A to Z Action Verb List
When writing or delivering a song, script or speech, a performer must make strong choices, objectives, and actions. Actions are expressed as active, specific, and dynamic verbs that represent something you can actually do to influence your audience and/or the other characters in a script or speech. This is a tool you can apply to your job as well. Writers use action verbs as a tool for persuasion and to describe ideas, benefits, organization, products, and services. Add the word “To” in front of the action verb when marking your copy, script, speech or lyrics. For example, write “To Accomplish.”
Some of the top action verbs to keep in your back pocket for your next performance include: to cajole, to bully, to seduce, to soothe, to incite, to intimidate, to mock, to impress, to provoke laughter, to hurt, and to give hope.
You may download and print the following list from the website listed below to keep with you. Of course, this is only a suggested list. You can add more action verbs if you wish.
Download this list at: http://rfptemplates.technologyevaluation.com/list-of-action-verbs.html