Presentation at DevLearn
Today is the Day! I’m so honored to voice act on an eLearning project that had an impact on helping to reduce infant mortality rates. This project will be presented at the DevLearn conference today in Las Vegas. If you’re there at DevLearn, check out Kevin Thorn’s presentation, “Comics for Learning: Use Case in Cultural Awareness” today at 1:15pm in Antigua B. You may not recognize my voice, since the super hero character I play has an Indian accent, but it’s me. 🙂
Thank you, Kevin Thorn & the Gates Foundation team, for having me on board to help bring your story to life, and many thanks for leading a discussion on the topic of cultural awareness & diversity through your unique and imaginative instructional comics, because representation, diversity, and inclusion matter and can have the power to create change & make an impact on the communities in our world. Also special thank you to my friend and talented colleague Brigid Reale, for calling on me to contribute to such a meaningful and impactful project.