Sending VO Love to My Clients
I’m so honored to have the opportunity to voice for projects from regional to global brands. Recently, some clients have been rebooking me & showing me some VO love, so I wanted to celebrate in showing my gratitude to them.
Special shout out to IBM, Intel, St. Alphonsus, CJ Advertising, and Primal Screen. This week, I’m super excited to add a new client to my roster & voice a project for TriCities Airport via Primal Screen here in Atlanta. It’s always fun to voice characters!
Thank you to my agents at In Both Ears, CSM, & Houghton Talent. Thanks to my super talented voiceover bud, Andrew Bates, for thinking of me when sending the TriCities Primal Screen audition. #nazvoice #gratitude
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It takes More than a village! #Teamnaz Shoutout